How to Spot An Amazing Father

Being a Father is a full-time job and not something that you can prepare for in life. Fatherhood is like diving straight into the deep end of a pool and learning how to swim as you jump. The life of a Dad is not always an easy one, but it is a rewarding one when done correctly. This post is a shout out to the Dads who do it right. Here are a few tips and tricks to spotting an amazing father.

1. He rolls with the punches.
From coach, to tutor, to role model, a great dad knows how to switch his gears at the drop of a hat. When a kid is trying to figure out who they are, a great Dad is a few steps behind him helping him figure his way. The journey of growing up is one that is different for everyone and a great dad knows that and is willing to roll with the punches.

2. He’s his kids #1 Fan!
Having a kid of your own is an indescribable joy. Being proud comes along with the territory of parenting. Regardless of what a child is interested in doing, you can spot a great Father beaming at the sidelines.

3. He sees parenthood as a team effort.
A great Dad knows how to pull his weight in his partnership and isn’t afraid to ask for help when he needs it. The modern Dad has a lot of expectations to uphold and knows that effective parenting comes from communicating with his partner and treating everyone in his community with respect.

4. His love is unconditional.
A father sees their children as who they are and is not afraid to show love and give it. A great father loves their child unconditionally.

5. He tries.
The bottom line of Fatherhood is that fathers are humans and not a super being. Fathers are guys figuring things out and with some effort, he can be seen as the best of them. If a father puts in the effort to love and support, he is a great father and being seen as such will happen naturally.

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